Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How to make a clone of Virtualbox image and run multiple Virtual machines at the same time


1) Shut down the virtual machine you would like to copy
2) In File > Virtualdiskmanager, select the virtual machine disk image you would like to copy, and press the Release button and DELETE it from the menu BUT keep the image on the harddrive.
3) In a terminal window, issue following command (see virtualbox user manual):
vboxmanage clonevdi /directory/image1.vdi /directory/image2.vdi
4) In File > Virtualdiskmanager, add the new disk image you've created in step 3.
5) In the main virtualbox window, press the New button to create a new virtual machine, and link it to the new disk image you've created.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to use wsdl file to generate c/c++ files

This setup is based on Debian/Ubuntu system and doesn't involve any installation of Apache/Axis

(1)Install Java (run-time package is enough, but javac is a bonus, though I don't think I used javac in this setup). Note:install some new version, I used version 1.6.

(2)Download Axis C++ bin from, decompress it. Note that there is a lib/axisjava folder and all the necessary Axis Java files used by Axis C++ are in there, so we don't have to download Axis Java anymore (however, if you try to use log4j you HAVE TO download Axis Java bin/src). And make sure in lib/axis there is already a wsdl2ws.jar in place, or you have to install ant and build the jar from source (which I didn't do)

(3)Edit CLASSPATH environment variable, here is my CLASSPATH variable

AXIS_C_HOME="type in your full directory path where Axis C++ bin is decompressed to"



Note: if you want to use log4j, it should be located in $/lib/log4j-version.jar
you will need to include this path to CLASSPATH also.

Also note: if you want to set this varibale permanent, put the above stuff in .profile in your home directory, logout, and login again to take effect. To make sure: printenv $CLASSPATH

(4)Now we're ready to generate some c/c++ files using wsdl templete, here are some examples to generate client side wrapper:

java org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2ws.WSDL2Ws -sclient -lc++ "your wsdl file full path"

java org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2ws.WSDL2Ws -sclient -lc "your wsdl file full path"

if the above don't work (which shouldn't been the case...), try:

java -classpath $CLASSPATH org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2ws.WSDL2Ws -sclient -lc++ "your wsdl file full path"

java -classpath $CLASSPATH org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2ws.WSDL2Ws -sclient -lc "your wsdl file full path"

Friday, July 23, 2010

how to create uml file system

this is the only way I found working on Ubuntu 10.04 32bit, the original link is:

Creating your filesystem

Debian is suprisingly simple to install inside of user mode linux. To begin you must initialize the files using dd. This example assumes that your image files are /opt/uml/debian-root.

Example 5. Creating your filesystem

 #dd if=/dev/zero of=/opt/uml/debian-root bs=1024K count=1000

Now we will initialize the filesystems inside of each of these files. We will be using ext3 as our root filesystem.

Example 6. Initializing the filesystems

 #mkfs.ext3 /opt/uml/debian-root

Now we will need to mount the root filesystem before we run debootstrap.

Example 7. Mounting root

 #mkdir /mnt/debian
#mount -o loop /opt/uml/debian-root /mnt/debian

Now we will install debootstrap and bootstrap a base Debian installation. This is a barebones installation that is less than 200 megs.

Example 8. Debian Installation

 #apt-get install debootstrap
#debootstrap --arch i386 sarge /mnt/debian

or you may want to use the breezy installation.

#debootstrap --arch i386 breezy /mnt/debian

At this point your system is an unconfigured base system. You will need to edit the following files in order to have your system in a valid configuration.

  • /etc/fstab

  • /etc/hostname

  • /etc/hosts

  • /etc/network/interfaces

  • /etc/apt/sources.list

  • /etc/securetty

  • /etc/inittab

Example 9. FSTAB configuration

 /dev/ubd0 / ext3 defaults 0 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0

Example 10. Host configuration

You will need to make sure that /etc/hostname contains the following line or your nameing preference.


You will need to make sure that /etc/hosts contains the following line. localhost

At this point you will need to setup your network interface configuration. This is done by editing the file /etc/network/interfaces. This guest will have a loopback network device. More information on configuring network devices under Debian can be found in the Debian Reference.

Example 11. The loopback network interface

 auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

The above should be in the file /etc/network/interfaces. You'll also need to add a mirror or cdrom image to /etc/apt/sources.list

Example 12. /etc/securetty Configuration

 #echo "tty0" >> /etc/securetty
#echo "ttys/0" >> /etc/securetty

Example 13. /mnt/debian/dev

In the breezy debootstrap example no node was created for me to mount the file system too, you can check this by,

 #cd /mnt/debian/dev
#ls ubd*

If this does not return ubd0 then,

#mknod --mode=660 ubd0 b 98 0
#chown root:disk ubd0

Example 14. Edit /etc/inittab

This will allow you to login immediately after the boot messages

 Comment out the following lines:
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

Now modify tty1 to say tty0, the result should look like this:
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty0
#2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty2
#3:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty3
#4:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty4
#5:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty5
#6:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty6

Example 15. Add user to the file system

Before you can log into the file system you must add a user to be ablet logi in with.

 #chroot /mnt/debian
#adduser uml
Aswer the following questions about the new user or press enter followed by a yes at the end

Example 16. Run the kernel with UML

 #sudo umount /mnt/debian
#sudo ./linux ubd0=/opt/uml/debian-root

how to generate c code from WSDL files


Axis C++ WSDL2Ws Tool

monitor memory usage:top
monitor harddrive: df

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to resize uml file system

the original link is

  • Shut down the uml guest
    UML# halt
  • Make a backup of the file you want to resize.
  • If you have any COW files which have the file you want to resize as a backing file then make a backup of the cow files, too.
  • If you want to merge the cow file with uml_moo, do it now. Otherwise remove the cow file to avoid confusion.
  • Make sure the filesystem is in a clean state.
    host% e2fsck -f filename
  • Resize the file.
    dd if=/dev/zero of=filename bs=1 count=1 seek=newsize conv=notrunc

    0+0 Records in
    0+0 Records out

    newsize can be any size recognized by "dd", such as "256M", "4G", or "2T". The length of the file should have changed, but not the actual filesize as with "ls -ls".
  • Resize the filesystem.
    host% resize2fs -p filename
  • If you don't trust your luck and/or your computer run:
    host% e2fsck -f filename
  • Start the uml with the new filesystem

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

DRAGON Network user mode linux setup

This tutorial uses only p2p mode.
below from

(1)install Linux/Ubuntu

(2)install python, in Debian/Ubuntu, run apt-get install python

(3)install uml-utilities package. NOTE: uml_utilities relies on several dependencies. Run apt-get install libreadline5-dev and apt-get install libfuse-dev
in Debian/Ubuntu, run apt-get install uml-utilities
this is a rather old copy of this package, see below for a newer revision
alternatively, download & install the UML utilities package from the UML mini-HOWTOs page
if that link doesn't work, try
or use locally cached copy at the above website
build using make all and make install DESTDIR=/

(4)install xterm
in Debian/Ubuntu, run apt-get install xterm. NOTE: in Debian, X11 forwarding will not work if the xauth application is missing
run apt-get install xorg to make sure xauth is properly installed

(5)install GNU screen
in Debian/Ubuntu, run apt-get install screen

(6)install Virtual Distributed Ethernet (vde) package
this package includes the vde_switch application, which is used for establishing network connectivity between UML instances
in Debian/Ubuntu, run apt-get install vde2
alternatively, see the VDE homepage and download the latest version of vde2 or download a locally cached copy from the above website

(7)install the pre-compiled UML kernel binary, or optionally compile your own UML kernel
download uml_linux- from the above website: linux pre-compiled UML kernel
install this file into a directory such as /a/uml/debian and run bzip2 -d to decompress

(8)install custom UML root filesystem
download Debian-4.0-x86-root_fs-2008Dec10.bz2 — Debian 4.0 x86 root filesystem + dragon-sw (144 MBytes) from the above website
install this file into a directory such /a/uml/debian and run bzip2 -d to decompress

(9)install VNE
download VNE-snapshot-2009Jan12.tar.bz2 from the above website: Virtual Network Experiments (VNE) snapshot as of 2009-Jan-12 (this version is patched to work with vde_switch)
decompress this file into a directory such as /home/dragon
install the dependency sudo apt-get python-setuptools, the link in the VNE package is invalid.
install: cd /home/dragon/VNE-snapshot-2009Jan12/src; python install

(1)This example assume the following structure:
everything is running as user "dragon"
location of root filesystem: /a/uml/debian/Debian-4.0-x86-root_fs
location of UML kernel binary: /a/uml/debian/uml_linux

(2)Create the file ~/.vnerc (in your home directory) that contains the following, changing any paths as needed for your system. The defaults are contained in a text file called VNEDefaults.cfg within the VNE distribution.

kernel = /a/uml/debian/uml_linux
filesystem = /a/uml/debian/Debian-4.0-x86-root_fs
fstype = cow
xmllint = /usr/bin/xmllint
screen = /usr/bin/screen
xterm = /usr/bin/xterm
uml_switch = /usr/bin/vde_switch
memorysize = 64
logdir = /home/dragon/uml
removecow = True
tap_device = tap0

(3)Use which to find the location of the binaries on your system, e.g. which screen
default location for screen binary is /usr/bin on Debian/Ubuntu
default location for xterm binary is /usr/bin on Debian/Ubuntu
default location for vde_switch binary is /usr/bin/vde_switch on Debian/Ubuntu
vde_switch will be located at /usr/local/bin/vde_switch if you build/install vde2 from source (by default)

(4)If your system has a lot of memory, you can change memorysize to a higher number. This will allow you to perform development work, e.g. re-compiling the DRAGON software. We recommend setting memorysize to 256 or 512 for development work.

(5)Set UML kernel binary to be executable: chmod +x /a/uml/debian/uml_linux-

(6)mkdir ~/uml
This is where the copy-on-write (COW) files will be placed, one for each UML instance
COW files contain changes/diffs to the read-only root filesystem (so they allow for a full read-write root partition in UML

Next is the steps I took to get it working:
(1)suppose the file system we use is /a/uml/Debian/Debian-4.0-x86-root_fs as mentioned above. Let's mount it and chroot it to make some changes to it.

(2)the first thing I found out is: Debian-4.0-x86-root_fs will not work out of the box. you have to rebuild and reinstall the DRAGON software suite contained in it. Let's do these:
cd /mnt
sudo mkdir Debian
sudo mount /a/uml/Debian/Debian-4.0-x86-root_fs /mnt/Debian -o loop
sudo chroot /mnt/Debian

Now we're root inside Debian-4.0-x86-root_fs. Let's rebuild and reinstall DRAGON:

sudo mount -t proc proc /proc (mount this or there will be error when building DRAGON)
cd /home/dragon/snapshot.current/dragon-sw
sudo ./ vlsr-linux
when CLI prompt comes out, type: shell (NOTE: IMPORTANT!!! because the default is none)
then click enter twice to ignore user name and psword.
after the building:
sudo ./
cd /home/dragon/snapshot.current/narb-sw
sudo ./
sudo ./

Now let's make some changes to the configurations files

cd /home/dragon
sudo vi .bashrc

add this line at the end of .bashrc file and save it:
"tset -s"
so the narb will not crash when you click backspace.

then for p2p test xml file, we have to add another port for vlsr1 and vlsr2:
cd /usr/local/dragon/bin
sudo vi

locate the line:
"set local-id port 1"
add the line below under the above line:
"set local-id port 6"
and save it.

NOTE: you can use "brctl show" in vlsr1/vlsr2 to see the bridge after the bridge is setup and use "/dragon_installation_file_folder/dragon-sw/utils/" to see the port/switch connection. Also the log files are in /var/log including RSVPD.log and etc. these log files could be great resources for debugging

Finally, to test p2p mode:
sudo VNE config-narb-intra-p2p-csa.xml
start all

open vlsr1, type in:
telnet localhost 2611
edit lsp test
set source ip port 6 destination ip port 6
set bandwidth eth100M swcap l2sc enc eth gpid eth
set vtag any
commit lsp test

wait for a while then type in
show lsp

see if it is "IN service"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sony Ericsson W508 W518a compatible firmware

T707 can be flashed into W508/W518a with a little bit more function like USB connectivity and language